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16 July 2024

Burstall Parish Council Calls for Independent Investigation of the Babergh Mid Suffolk District Council Planning Department

 1 July 2024

The monthly updated spreadsheet showing the progress of NSIPs and large-scale energy projects in the districts is available to view.

 11th April 2024


Statutory Consultation for Norwich to Tilbury: 12:00 noon on Wednesday 10 April 2024 until 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024 

The deadline for responses to the statutory consultation on the Norwich to Tilbury NSIP has been extended to 11:59pm on Friday 26th July. This extension is to allow for the pre-election period.

National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (“National Grid”) writes in relation to the launch of a statutory consultation in accordance with sections 42, 44, 47 and 48 of the Planning Act 2008 (the “Act”) for the project called Norwich to Tilbury (“the Project”). The consultation starts at 12:00 noon onWednesday 10 April 2024 and runs until 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024. 

The Project is a proposal by National Grid to upgrade the electricity transmission system in East Anglia between Norwich and Tilbury. The Project includes a new 400 kilovolt (“kV”) electricity transmission connection of approximately 184 kilometres ("km”) in overall length from Norwich Main Substation and Tilbury Substation via Bramford Substation, comprising: 

  •  approximately 159 km of new overhead line supported on approximately 510 steel lattice pylons (approximately 50 metres (“m”) in height) some of which are gantries (typically up to 15 m in height) within proposed Cable Sealing End (“CSE”) compounds, or existing or proposed substations  
  • approximately 25 km of 400 kV underground cabling some of which is located through the Dedham Vale National Landscape (formerly known as Dedham Vale AONB)  
  • six new CSE compounds, each with a permanent access, to connect the overhead lines to the underground cables  
  • a new 400 kV East Anglia Connection Node (“EACN”) substation, with a new permanent access, on the Tendring Peninsula. This is proposed to be an Air Insulated Switchgear (“AIS”) substation  
  • substation extension works at the existing Norwich Main, and Bramford substations and works within the existing Tilbury Substation to connect and support operation of the new transmission connection  
  • temporary works associated with construction of the Project.  

An alternative design at the Waveney Valley (referred to as the Waveney Valley Alternative) is also being considered and is the subject of consultation and ongoing assessment. This design alternative, if taken forward, would result in changes those elements of the Project set out below. This would instead comprise:  

  • installation of approximately 157 km of new 400 kV overhead line.  
  • installation of approximately 27 km of 400 kV underground cabling (some of which is located through the Dedham Vale National Landscape).  
  • eight new CSE compounds (each with a permanent access) to connect the overhead lines to the underground cables.  

All other works not listed above would be consistent with either alternative. 

In other words, the Waveney Valley Alternative, if taken forward and based on the 2024 preferred draft alignment would comprise approximately 2 km less new 400 kV overhead line and approximately an additional 2 km of 400kV underground cabling and two additional new CSE compounds, each with a permanent access, to connect the overhead lines to the underground cables.  

Third party utilities diversions and / or modifications would also be required to facilitate the construction of the Project. There would also be land required for mitigation, compensation and enhancement of the environment including Biodiversity Net Gain. 

As well as the permanent infrastructure, land would also be required temporarily for construction activities including, for example, working areas for construction equipment and machinery, site offices, welfare, storage and temporary construction access.

Norwich to Tilbury will play a vital role in delivering electricity efficiently, reliably, and safely and will support the UK’s move to reduce carbon emissions and we are committed to working with local communities as we develop our plans.  

National Grid expects the Project to be classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (“NSIP”) and to require consent from the Secretary of State for Energy Security & Net Zero via a Development Consent Order (“DCO”). The development consent being sought will include a number of other provisions, including those which authorise the compulsory acquisition of land and rights over land, if necessary, to construct and maintain the Project. 

Statutory consultation   

 The Project is an Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) development, as defined by the EIA Regulations.  As part of the consultation, we are seeking views on the potential environmental effects of the proposals and if consultees have suggestions for reducing these effects (for example, through mitigation measures). This information is detailed in the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (“PEIR”). An Environmental Statement will be prepared subsequently in accordance with the EIA Regulations and will accompany the application for development consent. 

The Project is currently in the pre-application stage of the DCO application process. As such, the Project is consulting on its proposals between 12:00 noon on Wednesday 10 April and 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024, including with those consultees prescribed under Section 42 of the Act.    

Consultation Documents 

We are contacting you because you are a prescribed consultee under Section 42(1) of the Act and in accordance with Schedule 1 of the APFP Regulations. This is therefore a formal notice that we are holding a statutory consultation under the Act.  

The Project is an “EIA development” for the purposes of the EIA Regulations. As required by Regulation 13 of the EIA Regulations, we also attach a copy of the newspaper notice which is being published in accordance with Section 48 of the Act.  

 National Grid (as required by the Act) has prepared a Statement of Community Consultation (“SoCC”) which sets out how National Grid will undertake the statutory consultation for the proposed application with those people living and working in the vicinity of the Project.  The SoCC is available to view on the Project website: http://www.nationalgrid.com/n-t and at the inspection points listed further down in this email. 

A copy of the full suite of consultation documents is available to view on the Project website from 12:00 noon on Wednesday 10 April 2024 until 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024. 

These include:   

•      Project Background Document 

•      Feedback questionnaire 

•      Copy of the newspaper notice published under Section 48 of the Act (as the Project is ‘EIA Development’ for the purposes of the EIA Regulations and as required by Regulation 4 of the APFP Regulations)  

•      Preliminary Environmental Information Report (“PEIR”) and non-technical summary (“NTS”) of the PEIR 

•      Project maps/Project area maps showing the extent of the Project 

•      Statement of Community Consultation (“SoCC”). 

Copies of consultation materials and documents can be provided on request by contacting us either by email at contact@n-t.nationalgrid.com or by telephone on 0800 915 2497.  

Public information events 

During the consultation period a series of face-to-face public information events will be held where you can speak with the Project team.  

You can attend any of our events to meet the Project team, ask questions and view more details of the Project: 


Date and time     


Wednesday 24 April 2024 12pm-5pm  

Towngate Theatre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, Essex  
SS14 1DL  

Thursday 25 April 2024 2pm-7pm    

The Brentwood Centre, Doddinghurst Road, Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, CM15 9NN   

Saturday 27 April 2024 11am-4pm    

Chelmsford City Racecourse, Chelmsford, CM3 1QP    

Tuesday 30 April 2024 12pm-5pm    

Gislingham Village Hall, Mill Street, Gislingham, IP23 8JT   

Wednesday 1 May 2024 11am-4pm    

Copdock Village Hall, Old London Road, Copdock, IP8 3JN    

Friday 3 May 2024 1pm-6pm   

Needham Market Community Centre, School St, Needham Market, Ipswich IP6 8BB   

Saturday 4 May 2024 11am-4pm   

Lawford Venture Centre 2000, Bromley Road, Lawford, Manningtree CO11 2JE    

Wednesday 8 May 2pm-7pm  

The Civic Hall, Blackshots Lane, Grays, RM16 2JU     

Thursday 9 May 2024 1pm-6pm    

Thorpe Hall, Ashwell Thorpe and Fundenhall Community Centre, Muskett Road, Ashwellthorpe, NR16 1FD    

Friday 10 May 2024 1pm-6pm    

Tibenham Community Hall, Pristow Green Lane, Tibenham, Norwich NR16 1PX   

Tuesday 14 May 2024 11am-4pm    

Witham Public Hall, Collingwood Road, Witham, CM8 2DY    

Wednesday 15 May 2024 1pm-6pm  

Diss Town Football Club, Diss, IP22 4QP  

Thursday 16 May 2024 2pm-7pm    

Langham Community Centre, School Road, Langham, Colchester, CO4 5PA    

Friday 17 May 2024 1pm-6pm   

Great Bromley Village Hall, Parsons Hill, Great Bromley, Colchester, CO7 7JA   

Printed copies of the consultation materials will be made available at information events for attendees to review. Attendees will also be able to take away copies of the Project Background Document and Feedback questionnaire. 

In addition to being available online, the Community Newsletter, Project Background Document, non-technical summary (“NTS”) of the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (“PEIR”), Statement of Community Consultation (“SoCC”) and Feedback questionnaire will be available to view free of charge at the following inspection points in the vicinity of the project throughout the consultation period:  




Opening hours 

Long Stratton Library  

The Street 

Long Stratton 

NR15 2XJ 

Monday - 11am-7pm  
Tuesdays - 1pm-7pm  
Wednesday - 8am-7pm (unstaffed) 
Thursday - 1pm-7pm  
Friday - 8am-7pm (unstaffed)  
Saturday - 11am-4pm  
Sunday - 10am-4pm (unstaffed).  


Norwich Library  

Unit 3 

The Forum 

Millenium Plain  


NR2 1AW 

Monday - Friday - 10am-7pm 
Saturday - 9am-5pm  


Tuckswood Library  

Robin Hood Road  


NR4 6BX 

Monday - 8am – 7pm (unstaffed)  
Tuesday - 11am-7pm  
Wednesday - 8am-7pm (unstaffed) 

Thursday - 8am-7pm (unstaffed) 
Friday - 11am-7pm  
Saturday - 10am-4pm  
Sunday - 10am-4pm (unstaffed).  

Diss Library  

Church Street 


IP22 4DD 

Monday - 10am-7pm 
Tuesday - 8am-7pm  
Wednesday - 10am-7pm 
Thursday - 10am-7pm  
Friday - 10am-7pm  
Saturday - 10am-7pm  
Sunday - 10am-4pm  

Stowmarket Library  

Milton Road     


IP14 1EX 

Monday - Closed  
Tuesday - 8.30am-6.45pm 
Wednesday - 8.30am-5.45pm 
Thursday - 8.30am-5.45pm 
Friday - 8.30am-6.30pm  
Saturday - 8.30am-4pm 
Sunday - 10am-4pm.  

Capel St Mary Library  

Village Hall 

The Street  

Capel St Mary  

IP9 2EF 

Monday - Closed  
Tuesday - 9am-12.30pm, 2pm-5.30pm 
Wednesday and Thursday - 9am-12.30pm 
Friday - 2pm-5.30pm  
Saturday - 9am-3pm 
Sunday - 10am-3pm.  

Coggeshall Library 

The Friends Meeting House 

Stoneham Street  


CO6 1UH 

Monday - Closed  
Tuesday - 2pm-5.30pm  
Wednesday - Closed  
Thursday - 9am-5.30pm  
Friday - Closed  
Saturday - 9am-5pm  
Sunday - Closed.  

Chelmsford Library  

Market Road  


CM1 1QH 

Monday - 9am-5.30pm  
Tuesday - 9am-5.30pm  
Wednesday - 9am-5.30pm  
Thursday - 9am-7pm  
Friday - 9am-5.30pm  
Saturday - 9am-5pm  
Sunday - 10.30am-1.30pm  

Colchester Library  

Trinity Square   


CO1 1JB 

Monday - 9am-5.30pm  
Tuesday - 9am-5.30pm  
Wednesday - 9am-7pm 
Thursday - 9am-5.30pm  
Friday - 9am-5.30pm 
Saturday - 9am-5pm  
Sunday - 1pm-4pm  

Tilbury Library  

Civic Square  


RM18 8AD 

Monday - 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm 
Tuesday - Closed  
Wednesday - 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm 
Thursday - Sunday - Closed  

Greenstead Library  

Hawthorn Avenue    


CO4 3QE 

Monday - 9am-5.30pm 
Tuesday - 9am-5.30pm 
Wednesday - Closed  
Thursday - 9am-5.30pm 
Friday - Closed  
Saturday - 9am-5pm 
Sunday - Closed  

Stanway Library  

10 Villa Road  


CO3 0RH 

Monday - Closed  
Tuesday - 2pm-7pm 
Wednesday - Closed  
Thursday - 9am-1pm  
Friday - Closed  
Saturday - 9am-1pm 
Sunday - Closed  

Prettygate Library  

Prettygate Road    


CO3 4EQ 

Monday - Closed 
Tuesday - 9am-7pm 
Wednesday - 9am-5.30pm 
Thursday - Closed  
Friday - 9am-5.30pm 
Saturday - 9am-5pm 
Sunday - Closed  

Wivenhoe Library  

104/6 High Street    


CO7 9AB 

Monday - Closed  
Tuesday - 2pm-7pm  
Wednesday - Closed  
Thursday - 9am-5.30pm 
Friday - Closed  
Saturday - 9am-5pm 
Sunday - Closed  


Prior to attending these locations, it is advised opening times are checked.  

In addition to the public information events, we will be holding six webinars, where members of the Project team will be available to answer questions. The dates and times of these sessions are as follows: 


Date and time   


Wednesday 17 April 6pm-7pm    

Project Overview One* 

Wednesday 29 May 6pm-7pm   

Section A and B - South Norfolk and Mid Suffolk     

Thursday 30 May 6pm-7pm   

Section C and D -Babergh, Tendring and Colchester   


Wednesday 5 June 6pm-7pm   

Section E and F – Braintree and Chelmsford    

Thursday 6 June 6pm-7pm   

Section G and H – Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock   

Wednesday 12 June 6pm-7pm   

Project Overview Two   

 * A British Sign Language interpreter will be available.  

You can register for a webinar by signing up on our Project website: http://www.nationalgrid.com/n-t. Responding to the Consultation 

Responses to this consultation must be received between 12:00 noon on Wednesday 10 April 2024 and 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024. 

Responses to this consultation can be submitted online at http://www.nationalgrid.com/n-t 

Alternatively, you can return a printed copy of the Feedback questionnaire or a free text response via email: contact@n-t.nationalgrid.com or post: FREEPOST N TO T (please write this in capitals, you do not need a stamp). 

Requests for paper copies of the technical documents will be reviewed on a case by-case basis. To cover printing costs a reasonable copying charge may apply, to be paid for by the recipient and up-to a maximum value of £500 for the whole suite of consultation documents. Please get in touch with us using the details below if you would like a printed or alternative format copy of materials. 

Telephone: 0800 915 2497. 

Email: contact@n-t.nationalgrid.com 

Following the close of the consultation all feedback will be collated, reviewed and analysed to understand key themes and concerns.  Our proposals will be reviewed and, where practicable, refined in light of feedback.  

We may be required to make copies of representations available to the Secretary of State. However, we will request that personal details are not placed on the public record.  Personal details will be held securely in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation and will be used solely in connection with the consultation process and the development of this Project and, except as noted above, will not be disclosed to any third parties.  National Grid’s privacy policy can be found on its website: https://www.nationalgrid.com/privacy-policy

If you have any questions about the Project, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the above postal or email address.  


19th December 2023

Babergh District Council waste collection 2024 Calendars

The babergh-refuse-and-recycling-collection-schedule-2024-1  can be viewed on the Babergh District website. Residents who have requested a paper copy will have been sent one.

Please find some useful links to get you started:


Babergh Twitter and Facebook

Mid Suffolk Twitter and Facebook

11th September 2023



Taxpayers are left paying substantial costs incurred by a developer after Mid Suffolk Council refused to defend an application at appeal.

In February 2023 the Mid Suffolk Planning Committee refused an application by Bramford Green Ltd for a solar farm on farmland near Bramford in a Special Landscape Area.

The application was appealed by the developer at the national Planning Inspectorate hearing in August 2023. Mid Suffolk Council declined to defend its position. It was left to residents, Parish Councillors, and two District Councillors to put forward evidence against the flaws and omissions of the development.

Overturning the Mid Suffolk decision, the Government Inspector criticised Mid Suffolk Council. He stated that the original reasons for refusal were "reasonable and reflect common practice in wording and content" but the "rationale for the change in the Council's stance is questionable." He subsequently ordered Mid Suffolk Council to pay all of the developers’ costs for the appeal. With a full legal team and eight expert witnesses, this will be a hefty bill for taxpayers to pick up, running into tens of thousands.

This is the latest in a series of disputes with residents and local Parish Councils on the application. Following the elections when Mid Suffolk became the UK's first Green Party majority council, newly elected Councillors were persuaded by officials not to defend the original planning committee’s refusal which went against planning officers’ recommendations. Although Planning meetings are usually open the public and press, everyone was ordered out of the room and the live stream was cut.

In March, four Parish Councils and Care Suffolk, a residents organisation, wrote to Chief Executive Arthur Charvonia expressing ‘no confidence’ in the Planning Department and calling for an independent investigation into its performance, but no action was taken.Residents and Parish Councils have consistently condemned inaccurate information and apparent bias of planning officers, and a formal complaint is currently open with the Local Government and Social Ombudsman.

“The Planning department is not fit for purpose” said Burstall Parish Council Chair Barry Gaspar. “This latest debacle proves our point. Despite clear warning from us, because no action was taken, taxpayers will now pay a heavy price. To make matters worse, officers are now using the same arguments and making the same mistakes in relation to other solar farm applications in our area. Mid Suffolk seems to be happy to turn rural areas into industrial zones"

11th August 2023



Mid Suffolk District Council has abandoned its own local development plan by failing to defend its refusal of a proposed solar installation at an Inquiry to be held by the National Planning Inspectorate. The Inquiry will take place at Pinewood Community Hall from 15th to 17th August 2023 and follows Mid Suffolk’s refusal of the proposal earlier this year on the grounds that it contravened the Local Development Plan and was putting energy infrastructure on land needed for food production. The proposed development was also opposed by nine Parish Councils.

The ENSO proposal would build on 85 acres of prime agricultural land in a beautiful landscape area between Burstall and Flowton. 

The decision not to defend or explain its refusal before Inspector Mr Cullum Parker is further evidence of bias in favour of developers.

In February 2023, Councillors voted to refuse the application stating that the Council would defend any appeal put forward by the developer. This created a legitimate expectation amongst the public that they would do so. However, in a planning meeting led by officers at which the public was excluded, that position was overruled.

“Residents continue to inform me that they have lost faith in the impartiality of our planning officers”, said Care Suffolk coordinator, Samantha Main. “They wonder what the point is of the new Joint Local Plan being prepared if officers won't even defend their existing Plan. The purpose of the enquiry is to listen to all the arguments between the developer and the public to assist the Inspector to make an informed decision. As taxpayers, we have a right to expect Mid Suffolk to be publicly accountable”.

“We believe that Planning department officials are acting unprofessionally” said Burstall Parish Council Chair, Barry Gasper “the District Council has abandoned residents. We are now left having to defend the policies of the Councils ourselves. It is not a very subtle way by officers to signal they support the ENSO scheme”.

This week the National Farmers Union warned that more priority for national food production was needed, as the UK’s own food self-sufficiency had fallen from 78% to 61%. “Mid Suffolk selectively applies evidence and ignores whatever does not support developers’ plans” said Cllr Gasper “Quality farmland is needed for food, that is a clear Government directive conveniently ignored”.

Burstall Parish Council and the community organisation Care Suffolk, together with Hintlesham & Chattisham and Sproughton Parish Councils have written to the Mid Suffolk District Council Chief Executive Arthur Charvonia, saying they have lost confidence in the Planning Department.

Submitted by Burstall Parish Council and Care Suffolk


 Did you know that there is a legal agreement between Sproughton Parish Council and Burstall Parish Council that allows for Burstall residents to be buried at Sproughton Burial Ground at rates charged as the same for Sproughton parishioners. 

From 1 April 1969, a legal agreement was signed between the two councils granting Burstall parishioners the right to have interred in Sproughton burial ground the bodies of persons who would be entitled to be buried in any place of burial provided by Burstall Parish Council.

The right of interment includes the rights to purchase/be granted exclusive rights of burial and the right to erect a memorial stone; the same rights as Sproughton residents and at the same costs. The terms and conditions offered to the parishioners of Sproughton are offered to the parishioners of Burstall.

The original fee paid by Burstall Parish Council to Sproughton Parish Council was £1 per annum, this was increased during the 1990's to £24 and this year, we have received notification from Sproughton Parish Council of their intention to raise this fee to £200 as from April 2022. Burstall Parish Council agreed to accept this increase at the meeting held May 2021.