Home > Burstall Show > Flower Show Entry Rules

Flower Show Entry Rules

How to enter:-

  1. To enter the Potato and Plant Challenges, (Classes 15 and 26) collect seed potato and/or seeds from the Village Hall between 10.30am and noon on Saturday 22nd March. There will be a charge of £1 for each item but no show entry fee.

  2. Prior to the show select the classes you wish to enter and fill in the Entry Form inside the back cover (can be printed using the pdf on this website). Alternatively use the Online Entry Form.  There is a charge of 30p for each exhibit entered  except for the children’s classes (Divisions 8, 9 & 10) and the Growing Challenges (Classes 15 and 26).

  3. Deliver the form plus cash entry fee to the Post Box on the Clock Tower at the Village Hall IP8 3DR by 5pm on the Wednesday before the show.

    BACS entry fee to: Burstall Village Club: Account number 02632374: Sort code 30-94-55. Please put Flower Show in the reference.

    Late entries, i.e. those not made by the Wednesday before the show, will be charged at a rate of 50p each on show day.

  4. On the day of the show bring your entries to the marquee between 8 and 10am. (Judging begins at 10.30am and everybody must have left the marquee by then).

  5. On arrival at the marquee collect your exhibitors’ cards and place your entries in the appropriate area with the card under the entry. (Please ask if you need help).

  6. The marquee will be open to visitors from 1 pm until 4.30pm. Entries can be collected after this time.   However, if you are willing to donate your entries to the show’s sale table, please make it known by using the stickers supplied.

  7. Trophies will be presented at approx. 4.45pm. Prize money may be collected from the show treasurer in the marquee from 4.15pm. Monies not collected on show day will be returned to the show funds.

Show Rules:-

  • Judging is according to the Royal Horticultural Society Rules and the decisions of the judges are final. Any person using any means to deceive the judges will forfeit all prizes and be debarred from entering future shows.
  • Flower and vegetable entries must have been grown by the exhibitor for at least two months prior to the show, although flowers may be purchased for the flower arranging classes (Division 4).
  • Handicraft items must have been made by the exhibitor and must not have been entered previously.
  • All baked items should be on paper plates, in a clear plastic bag (no cling film please).
  • Preserves must be in non-commercial jars and have new lids.
  • Only one entry per person in each class is allowed.

The Burstall Horticultural Society, the Cranfield Memorial Trust, the Burstall Village Hall, Fiske Lands Trust and Fiske Farms, their officers and employees will not be responsible for or accountable to any person whatsoever for any damage or loss to the property of any person whatsoever or for any accident or injury, fatal or otherwise or any damage or loss that may occur to any person or animal or vehicle whilst upon the showground or car parks or whilst entering or leaving the same. Acceptance of the foregoing provisions shall be a condition of entry.

Proceeds to Village Hall funds
Burstall Village Hall is a Registered Charity Reg. No. 304722